Hilay Tossed Like Side of Beef in Van

4 years ago.

The 'scooby-van' incident occurred. And that's the day when I learned Google was no longer my/ our friend…

We all remember how Secret Service agents huddled around the bride of Satan, an effort to surely protect the innocent.

Funny thing though, I found little media covering the event. I went to Bing and found much more. Dammit - what was occurring?

So I performed an informal test – using other major search engines. Sure enough, Google (basically me), was the loser. (Personal note: I had bought into the Google ecosystem years ago. They became famous for their search engine, then gmail killed most other products. They followed by purchasing YouTube, producing google maps, Android etc. I'm still moving away)

Today, you'll note much of the 9/11/2016 event has been scrubbed or sanitized. Oh you'll find some images of the above but not what one would expect. Video yep - very few.

This reminded me of another event I witnessed (that the media has gas-lit us on). I've mentioned this before but think it should be noted again. Recall when Trump stated he saw middle-easterners celebrating on roof-tops immediately after 9-11? Media told you – 'It wasn't so. Never occurred' the only groups caught celebrating on camera were overseas.

I remember this. I also remember being at a local Purple Onion restaurant (Hoover, immediately after) watching their television, as two dozen middle-eastern students celebrated at a like restaurant in Tuscaloosa. University of Alabama foreign students covered by local news as they screamed, yelled and danced with glee. I thought to myself 1) why are we allowing students in a country who openly celebrate the fall of their host. 2) I may be in the wrong place.

In the years since… no video can be found online. Interesting and disturbing. I know what I saw; no amount of gas lighting will change this.

A few days ago, on Friday Sept. 4th, Tucker had perhaps one of the most important 'Special Editions' of his show air. The below link is from another source because Fox only releases clips…

Tucker 9/4/20 - full on youtube

I knew immediately the reason why this was produced. Watch it; so will you. (Around 13 mins in), he showed clips he is concerned will 'disappear' in the future.

Tucker is blunt with his charge. Video, audio and stories are now being so effectively scrubbed, you will suspect your own sanity. He states that Fox stands alone away from this accusation. Carlson is more trusting than I am in his faith of Fox. None of us should put our trust in any sole, media outlet - which can change directions on a whim.

Tucker uses the example of the doctors who gathered to tell the people what is really happening with Covid-19 in this country.

Tucker then brought on Alex Morrow at (at 25 mins), one of the co-editors-in-chief with Breitbart. Alex (and his partner Joel Pollack - are intelligent like Shapiro and Bannon before them), went on to describe how Google was scrubbing Breitbart from search results of the tech giant.

The 'scooby-van' was what started it for me but the last

4 years of Trump have shown almost all of the tech-giants are guilty of complicity, lies or distortion


I often write "remember in these last days before Nov. 3rd – all attacks by the left are out of desperation".

I don't understand why they have such a hatred for Trump but I suspect it is in the following, we've seen many times before…

TL;DR – Don't trust any tech giants, I've witnessed first-hand what they've done.


Source: https://www.tigerdroppings.com/rant/politics/it-was-4-years-ago-today-hillary-was-tossed-into-a-van-like-a-side-of-beef-long/91790903/

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